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STSTYPES Enumeration

Type ID's of settings.

Namespace:  Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.IproPlus
Assembly:  Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.IproPlus (in Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.IproPlus.dll) Version:
public enum STSTYPES
  Member nameValueDescription
STS_UNDEFINED0 This is a setting in a pending (pre-defined) state.
STS_ENUM1 This is an enum setting, which is physically an integer.
STS_INT2 This is an integer setting.
STS_DOUBLE3 This is a double setting.
STS_BOOL4 This is a boolean setting, which is physically an integer.
STS_STRING5 This is a string setting.
STS_USTRING6 This is a unicode (UTF-16) string setting, in which each character has a length of 2 bytes.
STS_ARRAY_INT7 This is an array of integers.
STS_ARRAY_DOUBLE8 This is an array of doubles.
STS_ARRAY_ENUM9 This is an enum setting, which is physically an integer.
STS_ARRAY_BOOL10 This is an array of booleans, which is physically an array of integers.
STS_SET11 This is a set type, which can be indexed by elements of a given enum. The values of its elements can be boolean indicating whether the given element is in the set or not. It is physically an array of integers. Its size should be equal to the greatest element of the enum type + 1.
STS_REF12 Used internally.
See Also