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IWFTYPE Enumeration

Workflow type enumerations.

Namespace:  Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.IproPlus
Assembly:  Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.IproPlus (in Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.IproPlus.dll) Version:
public enum IWFTYPE
  Member nameValueDescription
IWFT_UNKNOWN0 For technical purposes only.
IWFT_LOADIMAGE1 Inserts images into the document from image files.
IWFT_SCANIMAGE2 Inserts scanned images into the document.
IWFT_LOADOPD3 Loads an OPD file.
IWFT_SAVEOPD4 Saves current document to OPD file.
IWFT_RECOGNIZE5 Recognizes one or more pages.
IWFT_PROOF6 Runs the Proofreader on one or more pages.
IWFT_EXPORT7 Creates the specified output document.
IWFT_PREPROCESS8 Preprocess one or more pages with SET tools.
IWFT_RECEXPORT9 Recognizes pages and auto-creates output document.
IWFT_AUTOPROCLOAD10 Loads images and auto-creates output document.
IWFT_AUTOPROCSCAN11 Scans images and auto-creates output document.
IWFT_MANUALZONE12 Runs manual zoning tool on specified pages.
IWFT_ZONETEMPLATE13 Applies zone template to the specified pages.
IWFT_QUICKCONV14 Quick-converts the current document.
IWFT_QUICKCONVLOAD15 Loads pages for Quick-convert.
IWFT_QUICKCONVSCAN16 Scans pages for Quick-convert.
IWFT_MARKTEXT17 "Mark text" workflow step.
IWFT_FORMDATAEXT18 "Extract form data" workflow text.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
IWFT_SIZE20 Indicates the maximum number of fields.
See Also