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RECERR Enumeration

Describes possible error types.

Namespace:  Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.IproPlus
Assembly:  Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.IproPlus (in Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.IproPlus.dll) Version:
public enum RECERR
  Member nameValueDescription
REC_OK0 Successful operation, no error.
FILE_SYNTAX_ERR-2147172094 File handling syntax error.
FILE_OPEN_ERR-2147172093 File open error.
FILE_NOTFOUND_ERR-2147172092 File not found.
FILE_READ_ERR-2147172091 File read error.
FILE_WRITE_ERR-2147172090 File write error.
FILE_ACCESS_ERR-2147172089 File access denied.
FILE_REMOVE_ERR-2147172088 File removal error.
FILE_CREATE_ERR-2147172087 File creation error.
FILE_SEEK_ERR-2147172086 File seek error.
FILE_MEM_ERR-2147172085 Out of memory during file I/O.
FILE_DISKFULL_ERR-2147172084 Disk full.
FILE_IO_ERR-2147172083 File I/O error.
FILE_SHARE_ERR-2147172082 Sharing violation.
FILE_ALREADYEXIST_ERR-2147172081 File already exists.
FILE_INVALIDFLAG_ERR-2147172080 Invalid flag specified in a function call.
FILE_INVALIDPARAMETER_ERR-2147172079 Invalid parameter specified in a function call.
FILE_LOCKVIOLATION_ERR-2147172078 File locking error.
FILE_DIRNOTEMPTY_ERR-2147172077 Directory is not empty.
FILE_INVALIDHANDLE_ERR-2147172076 Invalid handle specified in a function call.
FILE_TOOLARGE_ERR-2147172075 File size limit error.
FILE_MUTEX_NOTAVAILABLE_ERR-2147172074 Mutex is not available.
FILE_CANTCREATE_MUTEX_ERR-2147172073 Mutex cannot be created.
FILE_CANTRELEASE_MUTEX_ERR-2147172072 Mutex cannot be released.
FILE_INIT_ERR-2147172071 File system initialization error.
FILE_QUIT_ERR-2147172070 File Manager's module quit error.
FILE_INVALIDPOINTER_ERR-2147172068 Invalid pointer specified in a function call.
MEM_NOTENOUGH_ERR-2147171839 Not enough memory for this memory operation.
MEM_INVALIDPOINTER_ERR-2147171838 Invalid pointer to a memory object.
CHR_ILLEGALCODE_ERR-2147171583 Illegal internal code as a parameter.
CHR_ILLEGALSETTING_ERR-2147171582 Set parameter is not acceptable (e.g. size mismatch.)
CHR_NOMORE_WARN312067 End of available Code Pages list.
CHR_SETFILE_ERR-2147171580 Error while loading the Code Page Definition file (RECOGN.SET).
CHR_CODELENGTH_ERR-2147171579 Length of exported code exceeds buffer size.
CHR_MISSINGEXPORT_ERR-2147171578 Character conversion is not available for the given character.
CHR_INIT_ERR-2147171576 Character Set and Code Pages module initialization error.
CHR_MULTIPLELANG_FOUND_WARN312073 There are more than one matching languages.
CHR_LANG_NOTFOUND_ERR-2147171574 There are no matching languages.
CHR_LANG_DISABLED_WARN312075 The specified language is not enabled.
API_INCORRECTMODULEVERSION_ERR-2147171327 Inconsistent Engine configuration.
API_INIT_ERR-2147171326 Engine initialization error, or no appropriate license.
API_QUIT_ERR-2147171325 Engine termination error.
API_INIT_WARN312324 Module initialization warning.
API_PROCESS_ABORTED_ERR-2147171323 Application has aborted the current process.
API_PROCESS_FINISH-2147171322 Application has terminated the current recognition process. Recognized text is kept.
API_MODULEMISSING_ERR-2147171321 Module not present.
API_MODULELOAD_ERR-2147171320 OS could not load a module.
API_MODULEENTRY_ERR-2147171319 Missing entry in a module.
API_MODULEINVALID_ERR-2147171318 Invalid module.
API_MODULEINIT_ERR-2147171317 Module initialization error.
API_NOT_AVAILABLE_ERR-2147171316 The requested function is unavailable, or there is no appropriate license.
API_ERROR_ERR-2147171315 General error in the Engine.
API_GPFAULT_ERR-2147171314 General Protection Fault in the Engine.
API_STS_SYNTAX_ERR-2147171312 Syntax error in the specified Engine Settings file.
API_STS_ERR-2147171311 Invalid setting.
API_LICENSE_ERR-2147171309 Invalid license or Engine Licence file not found.
API_PARAMETER_ERR-2147171308 Invalid parameters.
API_BUSY_ERR-2147171307 Engine is busy.
API_TIMEOUT_ERR-2147171305 Recognition process soft TimeOut.
API_FILEFORMAT_ERR-2147171304 Format error in the actual file.
API_INVALIDSESSION_ERR-2147171303 Current session is invalid.
NOT_IMPL_ERR-2147171302 Non-implemented feature.
API_DOTNET30_OR_LATER_MISSING_ERR-2147171301 Missing .NET 3.0 or later.
API_CRYPT_MISS_WARN312348 Crypt module missing.
API_HARDTIMEOUT_ERR-2147171299 Recognition process hard TimeOut.
API_DOTNET40_OR_LATER_MISSING_ERR-2147171298 Missing .NET 4.0 or later.
API_LICENSEMGR_ERR-2147171297 License Manager error.
API_LICENSEVALIDATION_WARN312352 License cannot be validated.
API_LANGUAGE_SET_ERR-2147171295 Unlicensed language setting found or it is not supported by the current CSDK configuration.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
RSD_INTERNAL-2147171070 Internal error.
RSD_NA-2147171068 Feature not available.
RSD_ACCESS-2147171067 Access violation.
RSD_CORRUPTED-2147171066 Internal data structures corrupted.
RSD_NOMEMORY-2147171065 No memory available.
RSD_MEMORYFAIL-2147171064 Failed to lock or free memory.
RSD_NOFILE-2147171063 File not found.
RSD_CREATEFAIL-2147171062 File creation error.
RSD_OPENFAIL-2147171061 File open error.
RSD_READONLY-2147171060 Read-only file attribute.
RSD_READFAIL-2147171059 File read error.
RSD_WRITEFAIL-2147171058 File write error.
RSD_CLOSEFAIL-2147171057 File close error.
RSD_FILECORRUPTED-2147171056 File structure corrupted.
RSD_NOMSGFILE-2147171055 Message text file not found.
RSD_NOMESSAGE-2147171054 Message not found.
RSD_DLL_NOFILE-2147171053 DLL not found.
RSD_DLL_FORMAT-2147171052 Invalid DLL format.
RSD_DLL_GETPROC-2147171051 Cannot find function in DLL.
RSD_NOTOPENED-2147171050 Scanner driver not opened.
RSD_NOTLOADED-2147171049 Scanner driver not loaded.
RSD_NODRIVER-2147171048 Scanner driver not found.
RSD_BADVERSION-2147171047 Invalid scanner driver version.
RSD_DRIVERFAIL-2147171046 Scanner driver error.
RSD_NOCARD-2147171045 Scanner interface card not found.
RSD_BADHANDLE-2147171044 Invalid spec ID.
RSD_PARAMID-2147171043 Invalid parameter ID specified.
RSD_PARAMVALUE-2147171042 Invalid parameter value specified.
RSD_BADADFCOMMAND-2147171041 Invalid ADF command.
RSD_WARNSTARTMODE312608 Scan start mode setting not synchronized.
RSD_BADTRANSFER-2147171038 Invalid scan image transfer mode setting.
RSD_WARNPAPERSOURCE312611 Scan paper source setting not synchronized.
RSD_BADPAPERSOURCE-2147171036 Invalid scan paper source setting.
RSD_WARNRESOLUTION312613 Scan resolution setting not synchronized.
RSD_BADRESOLUTION-2147171034 Invalid scan resolution setting.
RSD_WARNMARGIN312615 Scan margin setting not synchronized.
RSD_BADMARGIN-2147171032 Invalid scan margin setting.
RSD_WARNPAPERSIZE312617 Scan paper size setting not synchronized.
RSD_WARNORIENTATION312619 Scan orientation setting not synchronized.
RSD_BADORIENTATION-2147171028 Invalid scan orientation setting.
RSD_WARNDUPLEX312621 Duplex scan setting not synchronized.
RSD_BADDUPLEX-2147171026 Invalid duplex scan setting.
RSD_WARNIMAGEINTERP312623 Bits per sample setting not synchronized.
RSD_BADIMAGEINTERP-2147171024 Invalid bits per sample setting.
RSD_BADCOLORINTERP-2147171023 Invalid color interpretation setting.
RSD_BADHALFTONE-2147171022 Invalid halftone setting.
RSD_WARNBRIGHTNESS312627 Scan brightness setting not synchronized.
RSD_BADBRIGHTNESS-2147171020 Invalid scan brightness setting.
RSD_BADCONTRAST-2147171018 Invalid scan contrast setting.
RSD_BADMIDTONE-2147171017 Invalid scan midtone setting.
RSD_WARNLAMPCOLOR312632 Scan dropout color setting not synchronized.
RSD_BADCOMPRESSION-2147171014 Invalid compression setting.
RSD_BADFILETYPE-2147171013 Invalid image file type setting.
RSD_BADINDICATION-2147171012 Invalid scan indication setting.
RSD_CONFIGURATIONID-2147171011 Invalid configuration ID setting.
RSD_HOSTID-2147171010 Invalid host ID setting.
RSD_SCSIID-2147171009 Invalid SCSI ID setting.
RSD_BADPARAMCOMBO-2147171008 Invalid parameter combination.
RSD_LINE_TOO_WIDE-2147171007 Line too wide to handle.
RSD_NOIMAGE-2147171006 Image does not exist.
RSD_BADIMAGEWIDTH-2147171005 Image width too small or too large.
RSD_BADIMAGELENGTH-2147171004 Image length too small or too large.
RSD_TRUNCATED-2147171002 User buffer too small.
RSD_NOTCAPABLE-2147171001 Scanner does not support this feature.
RSD_NOTREADY-2147170999 Scanner not ready.
RSD_NOPAPER-2147170998 Scanner ADF empty.
RSD_PAPERJAM-2147170997 Scanner ADF paper jam.
RSD_DOUBLEFEED-2147170996 Scanner ADF double feed.
RSD_COVEROPEN-2147170995 Scanner ADF cover open.
RSD_BOTHFEEDERSLOADED-2147170994 Both feeders are loaded.
RSD_RESERVED-2147170993 Scanner already reserved.
RSD_NOTRESERVED-2147170992 Scanner not reserved.
RSD_SCANNERBUSY-2147170991 Scanner busy.
RSD_SCANNERSTOP-2147170990 Stop button pushed on scanner.
RSD_SCANNERFAIL-2147170989 Unspecified scanner error.
RSD_TIMEOUT-2147170988 Timeout (RSD module or the scanner).
RSD_USER_CANCELLED-2147170987 User cancelled operation.
RSD_ABORTED-2147170986 Operation/action aborted.
RSD_NOTPOSSIBLE-2147170985 Operation not possible.
RSD_PAPERPICK-2147170984 The ADF cannot pick up the paper.
IMF_READ_ERR-2147170815 Image file read error.
IMF_WRITE_ERR-2147170814 Image file write error.
IMF_INIT_ERR-2147170813 Image file I/O module initialization error.
IMF_OPEN_ERR-2147170812 Image file open error.
IMF_CLOSE_ERR-2147170811 Image file close error.
IMF_CREATE_ERR-2147170810 Image file create error.
IMF_MEMORY_ERR-2147170809 Out of memory during image file I/O.
IMF_NOTSUP_ERR-2147170808 Not supported image file format or image file type.
IMF_TAGMISSING_ERR-2147170807 Required TIFF basic tag is missing.
IMF_COMP_ERR-2147170806 Error in image compression.
IMF_IMGFORM_ERR-2147170805 Unknown image format.
IMF_PAGENUM_ERR-2147170804 Non-existent page number.
IMF_FILEFORMAT_ERR-2147170803 File format error.
IMF_COLOR_ERR-2147170802 Color PCX file is not supported.
IMF_TMPFILE_ERR-2147170801 Temporary file handling error.
IMF_APPEND_ERR-2147170800 Appending not allowed.
IMF_FILENOTEMPTY_ERR-2147170799 Writing into a non-empty file without IMF append mode specified.
IMF_FAXVIEWMISS_ERR-2147170798 Microsoft Fax viewer missing or not installed.
IMF_PASSWORD_WARN312851 Password protected file.
IMF_EMPTYHANDLE_WARN312852 The file belonging to this handle does not exist any longer.
IMF_PDFAPPENDONLY_ERR-2147170795 In case of PDF saving the append flag must be true.
IMF_READ_WARN312854 Image file read problem.
IMF_COMP_WARN312855 Problem in image compression.
IMF_CRYPT_NOTSUP_ERR-2147170790 Not supported encryption.
IMF_FONT_MISSING_WARN312859 No font for rendering a glyph.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
IMG_SETTING_ERR-2147170559 Internal use only.
IMG_NOTENOUGHMEMORY_ERR-2147170558 Not enough memory during image processing.
IMG_RECT_ERR-2147170557 Invalid rectangle dimensions.
IMG_DPI_ERR-2147170556 Non-supported resolution.
IMG_COMPRESSED_ERR-2147170554 Cannot process compressed image.
IMG_BITMAPADDRESS_ERR-2147170553 Invalid bitmap address.
IMG_BITSPERPIXEL_ERR-2147170552 Unsupported BitsPerPixel value.
IMG_NOTATTACHED_ERR-2147170551 Internal use only.
IMG_HANDLE_ERR-2147170550 Invalid image handle.
IMG_BUFFEROVERFLOW_ERR-2147170549 Buffer overflow during processing the image.
IMG_ACCESS_ERR-2147170548 Image operation denied.
IMG_NOMORE_WARN313101 No more lines in defined image area.
IMG_SIZE_ERR-2147170546 Non-supported image size.
IMG_INVALIDOP_ERR-2147170545 Operation not supported on this image.
IMG_ZONE_ERR-2147170544 Invalid zone operation (e.g. existing user zone at LZ_FORM).
IMG_DPI_WARN313105 Non-supported resolution.
IMG_ANCHOR_WARN313106 One or more anchor zones were not found.
IMG_ANCHORNOTFOUND_ERR-2147170541 Very few or no anchors were found.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
IMG_ANCHOR_CONTENT_ERR-2147170537 Anchor content invalid.
IMG_TRANSFORM_ERR-2147170535 Zone transformation failed (zone is out of the image).
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
IMG_ANCHOR_RECOGNITION_ERR-2147170529 Could not recognize text or barcode in the given area
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
IMG_ANCHOR_VALUE_WARN313121 Anchor text is too short.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
IMG_ANCHOR_SIMILARTEXT_WARN313126 Anchor is ambigous: there is similar text near the anchor zone.
IMG_ANCHOR_NOTREFERENCED_WARN313127 Reference anchor is not referenced.
IMG_ANCHOR_CHECKDRIFTTOOLARGE_WARN313128 The drift of the check anchor is too large (optimum is app. DPI/30 pixel).
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
PAGE_NOTFOUND_ERR-2147170303 Page not found.
PAGE_HANDLE_ERR-2147170302 Page handle not found.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
MGR_ERR-2147170047 Engine manager module error.
NO_TXT_WARN313602 No recognized text available: either because the zone is empty or the required recognition module has not been initialized properly.
OCR_NO_MODULE_WARN313603 No selected recognition module.
ZONE_NOTFOUND_ERR-2147170044 No zone in the zone list.
ZONE_NOTFOUND_WARN313605 No zones found.
ZONE_POSITION_ERR-2147170042 Invalid zone index.
ZONE_EXISTING_SEQ_ERR-2147170041 Internal use only.
ZONE_FILE_ERR-2147170040 Internal use only.
ZONE_SIZE_ERR-2147170039 Invalid zone coordinates.
ZONE_SHAPE_ERR-2147170038 Invalid zone shape (not rectangular).
ZONE_IMAGE_DOWNSAMPLED_WARN313611 Color image was downsampled.
ZONE_SIZE_WARN313612 Invalid zone coordinates.
ZONE_NO_FIELDNAME_WARN313613 Zone cannot have a field name defined.
EXTRACTED_TXT_WARN313614 Limited information extracted from input document.
LANGDET_INHERITED_WARN313615 The language was inherited from previous page.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
MOR_INIT_ERR-2147169791 MOR recognition module initialization error.
MOR_DOS_ERR-2147169790 DOS error during recognition.
MOR_BCTNOTFOUND_ERR-2147169789 Knowledge base file for MOR recognition module not found (RECOGN.BCT).
MOR_BCTCORRUPTED_ERR-2147169788 Knowledge base file for MOR recognition module corrupted (RECOGN.BCT).
MOR_BCTVERSION_ERR-2147169787 Incorrect knowledge base file version (RECOGN.BCT).
MOR_FILECORRUPTED_ERR-2147169785 File corrupted.
MOR_GPFAULT_ERR-2147169783 General Protection Fault in the MOR recognition module.
BAR_ERR-2147169535 Barcode module error.
BAR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY_ERR-2147169534 Not enough memory for barcode recognition.
BAR_NO_CODE_ERR-2147169533 No barcode found in the zone.
BAR_INVALID_CODE_ERR-2147169532 Non-supported barcode type found.
BAR_NOT_DEFINIT_ERR-2147169531 Inconsistent type setting.
BAR_INCOMPATIBLE_TYPE_ERR-2147169530 Mutually exclusive type setting.
BAR_DEPRECATED_TYPE_ERR-2147169529 Deprecated type setting.
BAR_TYPE_WARN314120 Inconsistent type setting.
BAR_UNCOMBINABLE_TYPE_ERR-2147169527 Code cannot be selected in combination with other symbologies.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
DOT_ERR-2147169279 Dot-matrix recognition error.
OMR_ERR-2147169023 Checkmark recognition error.
HNR_TBSCORRUPTED_ERR-2147168767 Knowledge base file for HNR module corrupted.
HNR_SYNTAX_WARN314882 Parameter is out of valid range.
RER_NOKNOWLEDGEFILE_ERR-2147168510 Knowledge base file for RER module not found (*.REC).
RER_NOCHARSET_SET_ERR-2147168509 Character Set is empty for the RER module.
RER_NOTSUPPORTED_CHARSET_ERR-2147168508 The specified Character Set not fully supported by the RER recognition module.
RER_SPECFILE_NOTFOUND_ERR-2147168507 RER specfile not found.
SPL_MEMORY_ERR-2147168255 Not enough memory for the SPL module.
SPL_NOINIT_ERR-2147168254 Uninitialized spell object.
SPL_FOPEN_ERR-2147168253 Spell file open error.
SPL_FREAD_ERR-2147168252 Spell file read error.
SPL_FWRITE_ERR-2147168251 User dictionary write error.
SPL_BADFILEFORMAT_ERR-2147168250 Invalid file format (TEV.SZO).
SPL_INIT_ERR-2147168249 Module initialization error.
SPL_CLOSE_ERR-2147168248 User dictionary close error.
SPL_LANG_ERR-2147168247 Illegal language setting.
SPL_HANDLE_ERR-2147168246 Internal spell function call with a wrong handle.
SPL_NOMORE_WARN315403 No more suggestions/items available.
SPL_DUPWORD_ERR-2147168243 Item already exists in the User dictionary.
SPL_BADWORD_ERR-2147168241 Item is incorrect (NULL pointer, empty word).
SPL_UDSECT_ERR-2147168240 Deprecated.
SPL_REGEXP_SYNTAX_ERR-2147168239 Regexp: other syntax error.
SPL_EXISTSECT_WARN315410 Deprecated.
SPL_REGEXP_NOMATCH_ERR-2147168236 Regexp: item does not match.
SPL_REGEXP_NOMATCH_WARN315413 Regexp: item does not match.
SPL_REGEXP_WRONGRANGE_ERR-2147168233 Regexp: a range in a set is not correct, e.g.: [z-a].
SPL_REGEXP_SETINRANGE_ERR-2147168232 Regexp: a range with a predefined set, e.g.: [-z].
SPL_REGEXP_INVALIDCHR_ERR-2147168231 Regexp: not handled Unicode character.
SPL_REGEXP_UNBALANCED1_ERR-2147168230 Regexp: unbalanced '(' or ')'.
SPL_REGEXP_UNBALANCED2_ERR-2147168229 Regexp: unbalanced '['.
SPL_REGEXP_UNBALANCED3_ERR-2147168228 Regexp: unbalanced '{'.
SPL_REGEXP_WRONGNUMBER_ERR-2147168227 Regexp: number(s) expected within {} pair.
SPL_REGEXP_WRONGUPPER_ERR-2147168226 Regexp: invalid upper limit in {n,m} multiplicator.
SPL_REGEXP_ESCAPE_ERR-2147168225 Regexp: illegal use of escape ('\') character.
SPL_REGEXP_HEXA_ERR-2147168224 Regexp: illegal hexadecimal spec.
SPL_REGEXP_MULTIPLICATOR_ERR-2147168223 Regexp: illegal use of *, +, ? or {}.
SPL_REGEXP_ZERO_WIDTH_ERR-2147168222 Regexp: '?', '*', + or '{}' follows an empty atom.
SPL_REGEXP_UNEXPECTED_ERR-2147168221 Regexp: unexpected character found.
APIP_INIT_ERR-2147167999 APIPlus initialization error.
APIP_PARAM_ERR-2147167998 Parameter error.
APIP_INTERNAL_ERR-2147167996 Internal error in RecAPIPlus.
L_WARNINGS317953 General OmniPage Document (OPD) Warning.
L_WARNING_NOTFOUND317954 Layout Analyser Object not found.
L_WARNING_NOTOPENED317955 Layout Analyser Object not opened.
L_WARNING_MISSING317956 Missing data.
L_WARNING_SUBSTITUTED317957 Data substitution.
L_ERROR_NOID-2147165689 No such Object ID.
L_ERROR_OBJID-2147165688 Wrong Object ID.
L_ERROR_OBJTYPE-2147165687 Wrong object type.
L_ERROR_FILE-2147165686 General file operation error.
L_ERROR_FILE_OPEN-2147165685 File cannot be opened.
L_ERROR_FILE_CLOSE-2147165684 File cannot be closed.
L_ERROR_FILE_SEEK-2147165683 File seeking error.
L_ERROR_FILE_READ-2147165682 File reading error.
L_ERROR_FILE_WRITE-2147165681 File writing error.
L_ERROR_FILE_FORMAT-2147165680 Wrong file format.
L_ERROR_PARAMETER-2147165679 Invalid internal parameter.
L_ERROR_RANGE-2147165678 Invalid internal range.
L_ERROR_CALL-2147165677 Invalid function call.
L_ERROR_CONVERTER-2147165676 Conversion error.
L_ERROR_BADVERSION-2147165675 Wrong Layout Analyser version.
L_ERROR_IMAGE-2147165674 Image operation error.
L_ERROR_DTK-2147165673 DTK function error.
L_ERROR_OUTPUT_MODE-2147165671 Invalid output mode.
L_ERROR_APPSET-2147165670 Invalid appset.
L_ERROR_PRERENDERING-2147165669 Prerendering error.
L_ERROR_NOTIMPLEMENTED-2147165667 Feature not implemented.
L_ERROR_MASTERSOFT-2147165666 Text converter filter error.
L_ERROR_ABORTED-2147165665 The function was aborted.
L_ERROR_CONV_NODOCUMENT-2147165664 No document in Layout Analyser Storage.
L_ERROR_CONV_LECSO-2147165663 Layout Analyser command error.
L_ERROR_TOO_MANY_SHEETS-2147165662 Too many Excel sheets.
L_ERROR_DOCFORMATTER-2147165661 Internal use only.
L_ERROR_STOP-2147165660 Internal use only.
L_ERROR_VOCALIZER-2147165659 Error in Vocalizer Engine.
L_ERROR_NO_VOCALIZER_VOICE-2147165658 No voice available in Vocalizer Engine.
L_ERROR_REALSPEAK-2147165657 Error in RealSpeak Solo Engine.
L_ERROR_NO_REALSPEAK_VOICE-2147165656 No voice available in RealSpeak Engine.
L_ERROR_CODEC-2147165655 Error in using Codec.
L_FATALERRORS-2147165439 General OmniPage Document (OPD) Fatal error.
L_FERROR_MEMORY-2147165438 OmniPage Document (OPD) memory problem.
L_FERROR_INTERNAL-2147165437 Internal OmniPage Document (OPD) error.
L_FERROR_FILEFORMAT-2147165436 Wrong file format or wrong reading or writing methods.
L_FERROR_INDEX-2147165435 Wrong index stream.
L_FERROR_RECAPI-2147165434 Error in RecApi.
L_FERROR_NOSET-2147165433 Some attribute was not set.
L_FERROR_PERMISSION-2147165432 PDF modification restricted.
BRA_INIT_ERR-2147167743 Module is no longer supported.
MAT_INIT_ERR-2147167487 Matrix matching recognition module initialization error.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
MTX_INIT_ERR-2147166975 MTX recognition module initialization error.
FRX_INIT_ERR-2147166719 FRX recognition module initialization error.
ASN_INIT_ERR-2147166463 Asian recognition module initialization error.
MNG_INIT_ERR-2147166207 MNG recognition module initialization error.
STSMN_NOSETTING_ERR-2147165950 No settings in node.
STSMN_BADTYPE_ERR-2147165949 Improper setting type.
STSMN_OPNOTALLOWED_ERR-2147165948 Operation not allowed for setting or node.
STSMN_PARAMETER_ERR-2147165947 Invalid parameter.
STSMN_INVALIDFILE_ERR-2147165946 Settings file content invalid.
STSMN_NOTFOUND_ERR-2147165945 Node not found.
STSMN_BADORMISSINGREF_ERR-2147165943 The reference of a symbolic link subtree is invalid or the referenced setting does not exist yet.
STSMN_EMPTYPENDVAL_WARN317706 Pending setting has no value in the current Settings Collection.
STSMN_NOSESSION_ERR-2147165941 Storage of settings collections does not exist or too many settings collections are created.
IPRO_E_NOTALLOWED-2147172351 Operation not allowed.
IPRO_E_TOOMANYENGINE-2147172350 Only one Engine object can be created.
IPRO_E_ENGINEINITFAILED-2147172349 Engine not initialized.
IPRO_E_IMAGEFILESINITFAILED-2147172348 ImageFiles collection cannot be created.
IPRO_E_MEMORYBITMAPSINITFAILED-2147172347 MemoryBitmaps collection cannot be created.
IPRO_E_UDMANAGERINITFAILED-2147172346 UDManager object cannot be created.
IPRO_E_BARCODETYPESINITFAILED-2147172345 BarcodeTypes collection can not be created.
IPRO_E_MODULEINFOSINITFAILED-2147172344 ModuleInfos collection cannot be created.
IPRO_E_UILANGUAGESINITFAILED-2147172343 UILanguages collection cannot be created.
IPRO_E_SPELLLANGUAGESINITFAILED-2147172342 SpellLanguages collection cannot be created.
IPRO_E_DOCUMENTSINITFAILED-2147172341 Documents collection cannot be created.
IPRO_E_SCANNERSINITFAILED-2147172340 Scanners collection cannot be created.
IPRO_E_CONVERTERSINITFAILED-2147172338 Converters collection cannot be created.
IPRO_E_SETTINGMANAGERINITFAILED-2147172337 SettingManager object cannot be created.
IPRO_E_OBJECTISINVALID-2147172336 Invalid object: cannot be used.
IPRO_E_CONVERTERMANAGERUNKNOWN-2147172335 ConverterManager not found.
IPRO_W_ZONEINVALID311315 Some zones have incorrect attributes.
DOCUMENT_INVALID_ERR-2147165183 Corrupt document.
DOCUMENT_ACCESS_ERR-2147165182 Document access error.
DOCUMENT_CONVERT_ERR-2147165180 Document conversion error.
DOCUMENT_SHAREVIOLATION_ERR-2147165179 Sharing violation.
DOCUMENT_NOTEXIST_ERR-2147165178 Document does not exist.
DOCUMENTMGR_NOTINIT_ERR-2147165177 Document Manager is not initialized.
DOCUMENT_CANCEL-2147165176 Document operation cancelled.
DOCUMENT_VERSION_ERR-2147165175 Document version error.
DOCUMENT_ZOP_NOTFOUND_ERR-2147165173 Zone not found.
DOCUMENT_ZOP_BADSHAPE_ERR-2147165172 Zone has invalid shape.
WORKFLOW_START_ERR-2147164927 The starting of the active workflow has failed.
WORKFLOW_PROCESSED_ERR-2147164926 The workflow is already processed.
WORKFLOW_INPUT_ERR-2147164924 The workflow does not need any input file.
WORKFLOW_OUTPUT_ERR-2147164923 The workflow does not need any output file.
WORKFLOW_CREATION_ERR-2147164922 Workflow creation error.
WORKFLOW_INACTIVE_ERR-2147164921 The workflow is inactive but the method needs an active one.
WORKFLOW_ACTIVE_ERR-2147164920 The workflow is active but the method needs an inactive one.
WORKFLOW_INVALID_ERR-2147164919 The workflow definition is invalid or does not exist.
WORKFLOW_DOCUMENT_ERR-2147164918 The workflow definition does not belong to document.
WORKFLOW_ITEMNOTFOUND_ERR-2147164917 Item not found.
WORKFLOW_PARAMNOTFOUND_ERR-2147164916 Parameter not found.
WORKFLOW_RECCHARS_INF318734 Number of recognized characters: %s.
WORKFLOW_RECWORDS_INF318735 Number of recognized words: %s.
WORKFLOW_LDFAXCORR_INF318737 Fax correction: %s.
WORKFLOW_LDROT_INF318738 Rotation: %s.
WORKFLOW_LDSKEW_WARN318739 Large image skew.
WORKFLOW_BARCODE_INF318740 An incoming barcode cover page was detected and the associated workflow was found.
WORKFLOW_BARCODE_ERR-2147164907 An incoming barcode cover page was detected, but its associated workflow was not found.
WORKFLOW_LDPATTERN_WARN318742 There are no files with a name that matches that the specified pattern.
WORKFLOW_HWND_ERR-2147164905 Parent window is not defined.
WORKFLOW_HWNDCREATE_ERR-2147164904 Failed to create window.
WORKFLOW_HWND_WARN318745 Parent window is not defined.
WORKFLOW_RECLANGCONF_WARN318746 Language conflict detected.
WORKFLOW_ZNMANUAL_INF318747 Image was zoned manually.
WORKFLOW_ZNTEMPLATE_INF318748 Image was template zoned: '%s'.
WORKFLOW_IPNOTOOL_ERR-2147164899 Enhancement template contains unknown tool.
WORKFLOW_IPLOAD_ERR-2147164898 Error loading enhancement template file.
WORKFLOW_IPTEMPLATE_INF318751 Image was enhanced with '%s'.
WORKFLOW_IPMANUAL_INF318752 Image was enhanced manually.
WORKFLOW_IPMANUAL_WARN318753 User performed no manual image enhancement.
WORKFLOW_EDBLANK_WARN318754 Page is blank, not saved.
WORKFLOW_EDCONVERT_WARN318755 Conversion of one or more images was skipped.
WORKFLOW_EDNOFILE_WARN318756 Output file was not generated.
WORKFLOW_DETEMPLATE_ERR-2147164890 Invalid form template file.
WORKFLOW_EVERNOTE_FILETYPE_ERR-2147164887 Cannot save this file type to Evernote.
WORKFLOW_LDBLANKPAGE_WARN318762 Blank page was detected and skipped.
WORKFLOW_INTERACTIONSUPRESSED_WARN318763 User interaction was suppressed.
WORKFLOW_CANCEL_WARN318764 User canceled the operation.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
LINK_MORESPACE_ERR-2147164671 Need a bigger buffer.
LINK_NOTAUTHORIZED_ERR-2147164669 Not authorized to access the server.
LINK_NOTFOUND_ERR-2147164668 Could not find the path.
LINK_FILEEXISTS_ERR-2147164667 The specified file already exists on the server.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
See Also