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IMG_RESENH Enumeration

Image resolution enhancement.

Namespace:  Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.IproPlus
Assembly:  Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.IproPlus (in Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.IproPlus.dll) Version:
public enum IMG_RESENH
  Member nameValueDescription
RE_NO0 Resolution enhancement is disabled.
RE_YES1 Forced (unconditional) resolution enhancement. The resolution of the BW image will be the double of the original one (ratio is 2).
RE_LEGACY2 The ratio of the enhancement depends on the resolution of the non-BW image. The ratio is 2.0 if the resolution is less than or equal to 160 DPI, and it is 1.5 if the resolution is less than or equal to 210 DPI. Otherwise resolution enhancement is not applied (this mode is the same as RE_AUTO in version 12.6).
RE_STANDARD3 The ratio is detected dynamically: it depends on the resolution of the non-BW image and on the detected average character size. Resolution enhancement is not applied above 210 DPI. The mentioned character size detection is performed only during image preprocessing.
RE_AUTO4 Resolution enhancement depends on the tradeoff setting: if tradeoff is TO_FAST, RE_LEGACY mode, otherwise RE_STANDARD is used. RE_AUTO is the default setting.
Resolution enhancement is applied during the binarization of non-B/W images. It means that the resolution of the created binary image is larger than the resolution of the non-BW image. The ratio of the enhancement currently can be 1.5 or 2.0, depending on the current IMG_RESENH setting.
See Also