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Generic constants.

Namespace:  Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.IproPlus
Assembly:  Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.IproPlus (in Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.IproPlus.dll) Version:
  Member nameValueDescription
UNICODE_REJECTED65533 The rejected symbol in unicode strings.
UNICODE_MISSING65532 The missing symbol in unicode strings.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
REC_UNDEF_COLOR16777216 Internal use only.
REC_TRANSPARENT_COLOR33554432 Internal use only.
REC_DEFAULT_COLOR-2147483648 Internal use only.
REC_DEFAULT_BGCOLOR-2130706432 Internal use only.
REC_BLACK0 Internal use only.
REC_WHITE16777215 Internal use only.
CHK_LANGDICT_PROHIBIT1 Internal use only.
CHK_USERDICT_PROHIBIT2 Internal use only.
CHK_VERTDICT_PROHIBIT8 Internal use only.
CHK_IGNORE_WHITESPACE16 Internal use only.
CHK_IGNORE_CASE32 Internal use only.
CHK_PASS_LINES64 Internal use only.
CHK_CORRECTION_DISABLED128 Retained only for compatibility.
CHK_INCLUDE_PUNCTUATION256 Internal use only.
CHK_CORRECT_PROPERNAMES512 Retained only for compatibility.
CHK_LANGDICT_USED65536 Internal use only.
CHK_USERDICT_USED131072 Internal use only.
CHK_CHECKCBF_USED262144 Deprecated.
CHK_VERTDICT_USED524288 Internal use only.
CHK_UNUSED_BITS-987136 Internal use only.
R_NO_ITALIC1 Not used.
R_ITALIC2 Italic character. Used by the Font attribute.
R_NO_BOLD4 Not used.
R_BOLD8 Bold character. Used by the Font attribute.
R_SANSSERIF16 Sans Serif character. Used by the Font attribute.
R_SERIF32 Serif character. Used by the Font attribute.
R_PROPORTIONAL64 Proportional character. Used by the Font attribute.
R_MONOSPACED128 Monospaced character. Used by the Font attribute.
R_SMALLCAPS256 Character in a Small Caps word. Used by the Font attribute.
R_UNDERLINE512 Underlined character. Used by the Font attribute.
R_SUBSCRIPT2048 Subscript character. Used by the Font attribute.
R_SUPERSCRIPT4096 Superscript character. Used by the Font attribute.
R_DROPCAP8192 Dropcap character. Used by the Font attribute.
R_POPCAP16384 Not used.
R_INVERTED32768 Inverted character. Used by the Font attribute.
RR_BULLET1 Internal use only.
RR_SOFTHYPHEN4 Internal use only.
RH_OCRENGINE_MASK992 Internal use only.
RH_OCRTYPE_MASK31744 Internal use only.
RH_GTMTCH32768 Internal use only.
RR_CONFIDENT_CHAR65536 Internal use only.
RR_DISABLED_CHAR131072 Internal use only.
RR_VOTED_CHAR262144 Internal use only.
RR_NOISY_CHAR524288 Internal use only.
RR_EXPANDED1048576 Internal use only.
RH_MANGO_ISOLATED_CH2097152 Internal use only.
RH_LA_INTERNAL4194304 Internal use only.
RH_LA_EXTERNAL8388608 Internal use only.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
RH_BARTYPE_MASK1056964608 Internal use only.
RR_DICTIONARY_WORD1073741824 Internal use only.
RR_SMALLCAPS_TALL-2147483648 Internal use only.
R_ENDOFLINE1 End of line. Used by the Data attribute.
R_ENDOFPARA2 End of paragraph. Used by the Data attribute.
R_ENDOFWORD4 End of word. Used by the Data attribute.
R_ENDOFZONE8 End of zone. Used by the Data attribute.
R_ENDOFPAGE16 End of page. Used by the Data attribute.
R_ENDOFCELL32 End of table cell. Used by the Data attribute.
R_ENDOFROW64 End of the last line of the last filled cell of a table row. Used by the Data attribute.
R_INTABLE128 Letter is in a table cell. Used by the Data attribute.
R_TEXT_DIR_MASK1792 Internal use only.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
R_NORMTEXT0 Internal use only.
R_VERTTEXT256 Internal use only.
R_LEFTTEXT512 Internal use only.
R_RIGHTTEXT768 Internal use only.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
SPC_SPACE0 Real space. Used by the SpaceType attribute.
SPC_TAB1 Tabulator. Used by the SpaceType attribute.
SPC_LEADERDOT2 Dot leader. Used by the SpaceType attribute.
SPC_LEADERLINE3 Line leader. Used by the SpaceType attribute.
SPC_LEADERHYPHEN4 Hyphen leader. Used by the SpaceType attribute.
RE_SUSPECT_WORD128 Internal use only.
RE_SUSPECT_THR64 Internal use only.
LZ_COLUMN_MASK255 Mask of the LZ_COLUMN_XXX flags.
LZ_COLUMN_NO1 Do not find text zones on the page. Used by ZoningFlags property, and can be used as a workflow paramater.
LZ_COLUMN_ONE2 The page contains one column (sigle column mode). Used by ZoningFlags property, and can be used as a workflow paramater.
LZ_COLUMN_AUTO4 Find text zones on the page automatically. Used by ZoningFlags/> property, and can be used as a workflow paramater.
LZ_COLUMN_FIND8 Internal use only.
LZ_TABLE_MASK65280 Mask of the LZ_TABLE_XXX flags.
LZ_TABLE_NO256 Do not find tables on the page. Used by ZoningFlags property, and can be used as a workflow paramater.
LZ_TABLE_ONE512 The whole page is one table. Used by ZoningFlags property, and can be used as a workflow paramater.
LZ_TABLE_AUTO1024 Find table zones automatically. Used by ZoningFlags property, and can be used as a workflow paramater.
LZ_GRAPHICS_MASK16711680 Mask of the LZ_GRAPHICS_XXX flags.
LZ_GRAPHICS_NO65536 Do not find graphics on the page. Used by ZoningFlags property, and can be used as a workflow paramater.
LZ_GRAPHICS_ONE131072 The whole page is one graphic. Used by ZoningFlags property, and can be used as a workflow paramater.
LZ_GRAPHICS_AUTO262144 Find graphic zones automatically. Used by ZoningFlags property, and can be used as a workflow paramater.
LZ_FORM16777216 The page contains an unfilled form. Don't create any user zones if you use LZ_FORM. Used by ZoningFlags property.
LZ_FREEFORM33554432 Recognition of free forms. The page contains a filled, gridded form, and the best possible OCR accuracy is desired, without creating formatted output. In this case the gridded form is decomposed into smaller text zones optimized for OCR. The zones are not sorted by reading order. It cannot be combined with LZ_FORM. It is used only by DCM_STANDARD method, and not used by the Asian auto-zoning algorithm. Used by ZoningFlags property.
PHOLE_DETECT1 Internal use only.
PHOLE_REMOVE2 Internal use only.
CROP_CLEARMARGIN1 Fill the remaining margins white. Used by AutoCrop method.
CONVIMG_PALETTE1 Create palette image. Used by Convert method.
CONVIMG_ERRDIFF2 Use error diffusion to simulate shades. Used by Convert method.
LF_HVMASK3 Internal use only.
LF_HORZ1 Internal use only.
LF_VERT2 Internal use only.
MAXCPNAMELEN32 Maximal length of the Code Page names.
DICTDESCLEN64 The maximum length of the vertical dictionary description (including the terminating zero).
MAXUDITEMLEN64 Maximal character length needed for user dictionary items.
UI_LITERAL0 Internal use only.
UI_REGEXP1 Internal use only.
IMGF_READ0 Internal use only.
IMGF_RDWR2 Internal use only.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
IMGF_NEXTPAGE-1 Internal use only.
IMGF_FIRSTPAGE0 Internal use only.
IMGF_SCANNER-1 Internal use only.
IMGF_MEMORY-2 Internal use only.
See Also