Click or drag to resize

Image Class

This property returns the image.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.IproPlus
Assembly:  Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.IproPlus (in Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.IproPlus.dll) Version:
public class Image : IproPlusClass, IDisposable

The Image type exposes the following members.

Public propertyResolution
Image resolution, readable/writable property.
Public methodAutoCrop
Crops the active object.
Public methodConvert
Converts the active object.
Public methodConvert2BW
This method converts the page to black-and-white (bitonal, one-bit color depth) from grayscale or color.
Public methodCopy
Copies the selected source.
Public methodDeskew
This method de-skews a page based on the Slope parameter.
Public methodDespeckle
This method performs adaptive noise removal if the current image is BW. For other image types this method does nothing.
Public methodDespeckleByMethod
Use this method to perform immediate adaptive noise removal on the BW page.
Public methodDetectPunchHoles
Use this method to detect puncholes in the document.
Public methodDetectSkew
This method attempts to detect the orientation and the slope of the page.
Public methodDilate
Sets the dilation level.
Public methodDispose
Releases all resources used by the Image
Public methodErode
Sets the erosion level.
Public methodFill
Fills the specified area.
Public methodGetDocument
Returns the parent Document object.
Public methodGetEngine
Returns the Engine object.
Public methodGetOrigin
Returns the source of the image.
Public methodGetToMemory
This method returns the content of the image as a MemoryBitmap object.
Public methodImageInfo
This property returns a reference to the ImageInfo object which contains information about the image.
Public methodInvert
This method inverts the specified area of the page.
Public methodIsBlank
This method returns True if the image is a blank one.
Public methodMatchFileFormat
This method compares the specified image format with the current image format features.
Public methodMerge
Merges the target images.
Public methodPalette
This property returns a variant containing a SAFEARRAY of Bytes for C++ or a byte array for Visual Basic programmers.
Public methodPaletted
This property returns True if the image is a palette-color one.
Public methodRemoveBorders
Removes the borders.
Public methodRemoveLines
Caution note Caution
This API is preliminary and subject to change.
Public methodRemovePunchHoles
Removes the punchholes.
Public methodRender
Renders the image.
Public methodRenderToMemory
Render the image to the memory.
Public methodRenderToMemoryByParams
Renders the specified image to the memory according to the set parameters.
Public methodRotate
This method rotates the page, based on the Rotation parameter.
Public methodTransformCoordinates
This method transforms a pixel-coordinate of a point in one of the stored image (SrcImage) versions into the pixel-coordinate of another image (DstImage) version.
See Also