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UserZone Class

The UserZone object contains information about a particular user zone on the page.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.IproPlus
Assembly:  Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.IproPlus (in Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.IproPlus.dll) Version:
public class UserZone : IproPlusClass, IDisposable

The UserZone type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBoundingRect
This property specifies the location of a user zone on the page.
Public propertyCheckFullLines
Use this property to get or set whether the recognition module associated with this user zone will pass entire lines to the checking subsystem and the Check event of the Document object instead of words.
Public propertyCorrectProperNames
Use this property to get or set whether the correction feature of the checking subsystem will capitalize names (proper nouns) inside recognized text.
Public propertyDisableCorrection
Use this property to get or set whether or not to prohibit the correction feature of the checking subsystem for this user zone.
Public propertyDisableSpellLangDict
Use this property to get or set whether the checking subsystem uses the currently set language dictionary for this user zone.
Public propertyDisableUserCheck
Use this property to get or set whether the Check event of the Document object is fired during recognition of this UserZone object.
Public propertyDisableUserDict
Use this property to get or set whether the checking subsystem uses the currently set user dictionary for this user zone.
Public propertyDisableVerticalDict
Use this property to get or set whether the checking subsystem uses the currently set vertical (professional) dictionary for this user zone.
Public propertyFilter
This property can be used to get or set a character set filter for the user zone.
Public propertyFormFieldName
This property returns the field name provided by the Logical Form Recognition process if available or the modified value if it was previously altered through the FormFieldName property.
Public propertyIgnoreCase
Use this property to get or set whether or not the checking subsystem uses the currently set user dictionary in case-sensitive mode.
Public propertyIgnoreWhiteSpace
Use this property to get or set whether or not the white space characters (SPACE and TAB characters) are ignored during checking for this user zone.
Public propertyIncludePunctuation
Use this property to get or set whether checking will include punctuation characters on the verified string boundaries.
Public propertyModule
Use this property to get or set the recognition module assigned to the user zone.
Public propertyPointCount
This property returns the number of corner points describing the border-walk of the zone.
Public propertyRectCount
This property returns the number of rectangles covering the whole area of this (possibly complex) user zone.
Public propertySelected
This property sets and returns whether a specific zone is selected or not.
Public propertyType
This property stores the type of the related user zone.
Public propertyUniqueID
This property returns the unique identifier of a specific zone.
Public propertyUserDictSection
Use this property to specify a section name in the currently used user dictionary for this user zone.
Public propertyZoneFillingMethod
This property specifies the filling method assigned to the user zone.
Public methodAddRect
This method adds a new rectangle to the current user zone area.
Public methodDispose
Releases all resources used by the UserZone
Public methodEquals (Overrides ObjectEquals(Object).)
Public methodGetDocument
Returns the parent Document object.
Public methodGetEngine
Returns the Engine object.
Public methodGetHashCode (Overrides ObjectGetHashCode.)
Public methodGetTableCells
This property returns the collection of TableCell objects representing the cells of the related table.
Public methodPoint
This property returns the requested corner point of the zone boundary polyline.
Public methodRect
This property returns the requested rectangle from the area of this user zone.
Public methodScale
Calling this method shrinks or expands the related user zone based on the Percent parameter.
Public methodShift
Calling this method shifts the user zone according to the vector specified by the Shift parameter.
Public methodSubRect
Calling this method subtracts a rectangle from the current user zone area.

The UserZone object provides access to the coordinates of a user zone, its content type, etc. All coordinates of this object refer to the original image.

Overlapping user zones are not supported.

See Also