Document-level processing

The document-level processing is supported on: Windows, Linux, Embedded Linux, Mac OS X.

This level is performed by the API layer RecAPIPlus. It uses a document-oriented approach built up on the basis of page-level processing. Thus, the Developer of a document-oriented integrating application calls both KernelAPI and RecAPIPlus functions. This layer provides all the features and capabilities of KernelAPI extended with the offering of a greater number of output converters and of handling multipage documents. The output converters give more accurate layout in various output formats. The multipage document handling can explore the connectivity and similarity of consecutive pages in the same document.

IMPORTANT! This tutorial on document-level processing presents some operations that are accessible only at document level or that are different when applied at document level.

The simplest running application is the following (it loads a file test.tif and after recognition, creates an RTF2000 output out.rtf - all settings take default values):

    #include "RecAPIPlus.h"
    int main()
        RECERR rc = REC_OK;
        rc = RecInitPlus(YOUR_COMPANY, YOUR_PRODUCT);
        if (rc != REC_OK && rc != API_INIT_WARN && rc != API_LICENSEVALIDATION_WARN)
            printf("Initialization error occured: %x\n", rc);
            char image[] = "test.tif";
            LPCSTR imgptr[2] = {image, NULL};
            rc = RecProcessPagesEx(0, "out.rtf", imgptr, NULL, NULL);
            if (rc != REC_OK)
                printf("Processing error occured: %x\n", rc);
            rc = RecQuitPlus();
            if (rc != REC_OK)
                printf("Quitting error occured: %x\n", rc);
        return kRecGetLastError(NULL, NULL, 0);

One-step processing