
The document-level processing is supported on: Windows, Linux, Embedded Linux, Mac OS X.


Any operation of the Capture SDK is accessible only after an initialization step, performed by RecInitPlus (on this layer), which determines the available modules of the Engine, initializes them and starts all the modules that are licensed and found in the Engine Binary directory.

The initialization step has a quitting pair RecQuitPlus. If the integrating application uses the initialization of the document-level API it has to use the quitting at the same level.

Having successfully initialized the Engine, the next step is to check the availability of the required modules of the Engine, that can be performed using the calls of page-level API.

If the integrating application uses scanners it also has to initialize the Scanning Module using the page-level API. Of all the Engine modules, only the Scanner Module requires separate initialization.

An alternative way to use the document-level API of the Capture SDK is dynamic linking using the module RecAPIPlusS.


Multi-threading is supported on: Windows.

See the page-level description.

As an additional possibility for affecting threading, the integrating application can determine the number of OCR threads used during document recognition (RecSetOCRThreadCount, RecGetOCRThreadCount).

Setting handling

See the page-level description.

There are settings accessible only at document level. See the settings of RecAPIPlus.