Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
_R_IOStreamfuncsContainer structure of the IOStream callback functions
_RPPERRORSError list item
BAR_INFOBarcode information
CELL_INFOStructure of a cell in a table
CLASSIFY_INFOStructure for information about classification
COMB_CELL_INFOStructure of a comb-cell in a comb
COMPRESSED_IMG_INFOBasic physical information of a compressed image buffer
CUT_INFOStructure for book images
FoundTextSearch result
HNR_BOXDATACharacter box of HNR
IMG_INFOStructure of an image containing basic physical information
LANGUAGE_INFOLanguage info
LETTERThe LETTER structure
LSPCAdditional information about the space character
OUTPUTCONVERTERINFOAOutput document converter information (ANSI)
OUTPUTCONVERTERINFOWOutput document converter information (Unicode)
PREPROC_INFOInformation about preprocessing
PROGRESSMONITORProgress information
RLINEStructure of a line
SEnumTypeElementDescriptor structure of an enum type element
STATISTICRecognition statistics
ZONEZONE structure