
The document-level processing is supported on: Windows, Linux, Embedded Linux, Mac OS X.

The RecAPIPlus layer provides a very rich set of output formats for creating output files with layout as close as possible to that of the original.

All the accessible converters have an individual subtree in the setting tree (see setting handling) under the node "Converters" with a lot of adjustable settings. Because of this, the selection of the output format can be performed through the name of the required converter (e.g "Converters.Text.RTF2000") calling RecSetOutputFormat. The name of the selected converter can be retrieved by RecGetOutputFormat.

The accessible output formats can be enumerated by RecGetFirstOutputFormat, RecGetNextOutputFormat.

The formatting level of the output document can be set calling RecSetOutputLevel and can be got by RecGetOutputLevel. This setting makes it possible to determine how similar the output document should be compared to the original page in connection with the arrangement of the elements (text, images, lines, etc.) on the page.

The settings of each converter can be adjusted by the integrating application through the Settings Manager Module.

The following code fragment enumerates the accessible output formats and prints some information about them.
    RECERR rc = REC_OK;
    char buffer[128];
    int i=0;

    rc = RecGetFirstOutputFormat(buffer,128);
    while(rc == REC_OK)
        RecGetOutputFormatInfo(buffer, &info);
        printf("%i: Type:%s, Name: %s, Extension:%s\n",i,buffer,info.Name, info.Ext);
        rc = RecGetNextOutputFormat(buffer,128);