Simple Multipage Document Handling Module

Simple document handling functions. RecAPIPlus level of CSDK is supported on: Windows, Linux, Embedded Linux, Mac OS X. More...


typedef struct RECDOCSTRUCT * HDOC
 Document handle.


enum  HPAGESaveFlags {
  HPSF_Default = 0x0000,
  HPSF_SaveAll = 0xFFFF
 Possible enumerations for the "APIPlus.HPAGE.SaveFlags" setting. More...


RECERR RECAPIPLS RecCreateDoc (int sid, LPCTSTR pDocFile, HDOC *phDoc, int mode)
 Create an OmniPage document file or folder.
RECERR RECAPIPLS RecOpenDoc (int sid, LPCTSTR pDocFile, HDOC *phDoc)
 Open an OmniPage document file or folder.
RECERR RECAPIPLS RecCloseDoc (int sid, HDOC hDoc)
 Close an OmniPage document.
 Deletes an OmniPage document file or folder.
RECERR RECAPIPLS RecSaveDoc (int sid, HDOC hDoc, LPCTSTR pDocFile)
 Save an OmniPage document to file.
RECERR RECAPIPLS RecGetPageCount (int sid, HDOC hDoc, int *pnPages)
 Get the number of pages of an OmniPage document.
RECERR RECAPIPLS RecInsertPage (int sid, HDOC hDoc, HPAGE hPage, int iPage)
 Insert an HPAGE as a new page into a document.
RECERR RECAPIPLS RecUpdatePage (int sid, HDOC hDoc, int iPage, HPAGE hPage)
 Update a page in a document specified by an HPAGE.
RECERR RECAPIPLS RecGetPage (int sid, HDOC hDoc, int iPage, HPAGE *phPage)
 Retrieve HPAGE from a document.
RECERR RECAPIPLS RecDeletePage (int sid, HDOC hDoc, int iPage)
 Delete a page from a document.
RECERR RECAPIPLS RecMovePage (int sid, HDOC hDoc, int iPageFrom, int iPageTo)
 Move a page in a document.
RECERR RECAPIPLS RecConvert2Doc (int sid, HDOC hDoc, LPCTSTR pOutputFilename)
 Convert and export an OmniPage document to the final output document.
RECERR RECAPIPLS RecGetPageStatistics (int sid, HDOC hDoc, int iPage, STATISTIC *stat)
 Getting recognition statistics.
RECERR RECAPIPLS RecCreatePageStore (int sid, HDOC hDoc, int storeId, HPAGE hPage)
 Create a Page Store inside a document and attach a page to it.
RECERR RECAPIPLS RecDeletePageStore (int sid, HDOC hDoc, int storeId)
 Delete a Page Store from inside a document.
RECERR RECAPIPLS RecGetPageStore (int sid, HDOC hDoc, int storeId, HPAGE *phPage)
 Create a handle for an existing Page Store inside a document.
RECERR RECAPIPLS RecFormatPageStore (int sid, HPAGE hPage)
 Run Format Detection on a page attached to a Page Store.

Document Storage Mode

These values can be used as the mode at RecCreateDoc.

#define DOC_NORMAL   0
 Normal Storage mode: The document is a compound file. This mode is supported on: Windows. On other platforms it works as DOC_FOLDER.
#define DOC_FOLDER   1
 Folder Storage mode: The document is a set of files in a folder.

Detailed Description

Simple document handling functions. RecAPIPlus level of CSDK is supported on: Windows, Linux, Embedded Linux, Mac OS X.

With these functions the User's application can implement document-based solutions. The application can create (RecCreateDoc) multi-page documents. The application can insert recognized pages (HPAGE's) that have been processed using KernelAPI functions.

The RecAPIPlus Document can be handled at two levels:

It is not necessary to step to the Document level; an HDOC can be used exclusively on the Page level, too. This is useful when pages are processed in multiple processes, saved to Page Stores, then when all the pages are done, converted to a file or files with kRecConvert2DTXT calls.

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct RECDOCSTRUCT* HDOC

Document handle.

This is handle for an OmniPage document. Every function which handles a document needs it as an input parameter.

Enumeration Type Documentation

Possible enumerations for the "APIPlus.HPAGE.SaveFlags" setting.


Save default elements.


Save all HPAGE elements.

Function Documentation

RECERR RECAPIPLS RecCloseDoc ( int  sid,
HDOC  hDoc 

Close an OmniPage document.

This closes an OmniPage document when it is no longer being used. The document handle becomes invalid.

[in]sidSettings Collection ID.
[in]hDocDocument handle.
Return values:
RecAPIPlus level of CSDK is supported on: Windows, Linux, Embedded Linux, Mac OS X.
In DOC_NORMAL mode the OPD file is automatically saved before closing.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR RecCloseDoc(int sid, IntPtr hDoc); 
RECERR RECAPIPLS RecConvert2Doc ( int  sid,
HDOC  hDoc,
LPCTSTR  pOutputFilename 

Convert and export an OmniPage document to the final output document.

This creates a document file from an OmniPage document. The new document file's type and format can be given by RecSetOutputFormat.

[in]sidSettings Collection ID.
[in]hDocDocument handle.
[in]pOutputFilenamePointer to an output file name.
Return values:
RecAPIPlus level of CSDK is supported on: Windows, Linux, Embedded Linux, Mac OS X. However not all the output formats are supported on all of these platforms. See details.
In the Microsoft Word and Power Point programs, the size of the page is limited. The width and height of the page must be between 0.1 and 22 inches. Because of this, if you scanned or loaded a page that is larger than this limit, you cannot save it into Flowing Page or True Page formats with *.rtf and *.docx and *.pptx file extensions. These formats try to retain the original page size and layout. If you try to save this, you will get an error message and the file will not be saved.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR RecConvert2Doc(int sid, IntPtr hDoc, string outputFilename); 
RECERR RECAPIPLS RecCreateDoc ( int  sid,
LPCTSTR  pDocFile,
HDOC phDoc,
int  mode 

Create an OmniPage document file or folder.

This creates a new OmniPage document, and also a disk file or folder for it. It also generates a document handle for this document.

[in]sidSettings Collection ID.
[in]pDocFilePath to the OPD file (DOC_NORMAL mode) or folder (DOC_FOLDER mode). In DOC_NORMAL mode if pDocFile is an empty string, OPD file will not be created at the end. If you are not interested in persistent OPD files, use empty string as file name. It speeds up RecCreateDoc/RecInsertPage/RecConvert2Doc/RecCloseDoc workflow. In DOC_FOLDER mode pDocFile cannot be an empty string.
[out]phDocContains the handle of the created document.
[in]modeSpecifies the Document Storage Mode. Can be either DOC_NORMAL or DOC_FOLDER.
Return values:
RecAPIPlus level of CSDK is supported on: Windows, Linux, Embedded Linux, Mac OS X.
The OmniPage document file extension is "OPD", but other extensions can be used as well.
DOC_NORMAL mode is supported on: Windows. On other platforms it works as DOC_FOLDER.
The created OPD file or folder can be deleted by RecDeleteDoc.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR RecCreateDoc(int sid, string DocFile, out IntPtr hDoc, DOCOPENMODE mode); 
RECERR RECAPIPLS RecCreatePageStore ( int  sid,
HDOC  hDoc,
int  storeId,
HPAGE  hPage 

Create a Page Store inside a document and attach a page to it.

[in]sidSettings Collection ID.
[in]hDocDocument handle.
[in]storeIdPage Store identifier.
[in]hPageHandle of a page.
Return values:
This function is supported on: Windows, Linux, Embedded Linux, Mac OS X.
hPage is saved to the Page Store. Any future changes done to hPage will also be saved to the store when hPage is kRecFreeImg'd. The Page Store is not removed even when hPage is freed; it is removed only by RecDeletePageStore or RecDeleteDoc.
The storeId identifier can be any positive number. (It could be the 1 based serial number of the given page, but this is not necessary.) A second call of this function with the same storeId overwrites the previous content. Take care not to have the previous hPage still in memory as multiple Page Store handles are not supported.
hDoc must have been created in DOC_FOLDER mode.
This function is designed for a multiprocessing environment. Page Stores can be created in a different process, too, not only in the one that created the Document.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR RecCreatePageStore(int sid, IntPtr hDoc, int storeId, IntPtr hPage); 

Deletes an OmniPage document file or folder.

This deletes an existing OmniPage document file or folder in the file system.

[in]pDocNamePath to the OPD file or folder.
Return values:
RecAPIPlus level of CSDK is supported on: Windows, Linux, Embedded Linux, Mac OS X.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR RecDeleteDoc(string DocName); 
RECERR RECAPIPLS RecDeletePage ( int  sid,
HDOC  hDoc,
int  iPage 

Delete a page from a document.

This removes a page from an open OmniPage document. The page will be deleted.

[in]sidSettings Collection ID.
[in]hDocDocument handle.
[in]iPagePage index.
Return values:
RecAPIPlus level of CSDK is supported on: Windows, Linux, Embedded Linux, Mac OS X.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR RecDeletePage(int sid, IntPtr hDoc, int iPage); 
RECERR RECAPIPLS RecDeletePageStore ( int  sid,
HDOC  hDoc,
int  storeId 

Delete a Page Store from inside a document.

[in]sidSettings Collection ID.
[in]hDocDocument handle.
[in]storeIdPage Store identifier.
Return values:
This function is supported on: Windows, Linux, Embedded Linux, Mac OS X.
Take care not to have a handle for the Page Store in memory. Free the handle (if any) with kRecFreeImg before deleting the store.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR RecDeletePageStore(int sid, IntPtr hDoc, int storeId); 
RECERR RECAPIPLS RecFormatPageStore ( int  sid,
HPAGE  hPage 

Run Format Detection on a page attached to a Page Store.

[in]sidSettings Collection ID.
[in]hPagePage Store handle.
Return values:
This function is supported on: Windows, Linux, Embedded Linux, Mac OS X.
hPage must be a Page Store handle, not a simple Page handle. Detected format data is saved to the Page Store and will be used for document conversion.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR RecFormatPageStore(int sid, IntPtr hPage); 
RECERR RECAPIPLS RecGetPage ( int  sid,
HDOC  hDoc,
int  iPage,
HPAGE phPage 

Retrieve HPAGE from a document.

It copies most of the information from a document page to a HPAGE.

[in]sidSession ID.
[in]hDocDocument handle.
[in]iPageIndex of the requested page.
[out]phPageContains the handle of the requested page.
Return values:
If you want to store and retrieve a HPAGE with all its elements like recognized letters you have to change "APIPlus.HPAGE.SaveFlags" setting (HPAGESaveFlags) to HPSF_SaveAll before calling RecInsertPage.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR RecGetPage(int sid, IntPtr hDoc, int iPage, out IntPtr hPage); 
RECERR RECAPIPLS RecGetPageCount ( int  sid,
HDOC  hDoc,
int *  pnPages 

Get the number of pages of an OmniPage document.

This asks the current number of pages in the OmniPage document.

[in]sidSettings Collection ID.
[in]hDocDocument handle.
[out]pnPagesContains the page number.
Return values:
RecAPIPlus level of CSDK is supported on: Windows, Linux, Embedded Linux, Mac OS X.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR RecGetPageCount(int sid, IntPtr hDoc, out int nPages); 
RECERR RECAPIPLS RecGetPageStatistics ( int  sid,
HDOC  hDoc,
int  iPage,

Getting recognition statistics.

This function retrieves the statistics of the recognition of the specified page. The values are the number of characters, words and rejected characters and time information for each part of the recognition process.

[in]sidSettings Collection ID.
[in]hDocDocument handle.
[in]iPageIndex of the page to be examined.
[out]statBuffer for statistics.
Return values:
RecAPIPlus level of CSDK is supported on: Windows, Linux, Embedded Linux, Mac OS X.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR RecGetPageStatistics(int sid, IntPtr hDoc, int iPage, out STATISTIC stat); 
RECERR RECAPIPLS RecGetPageStore ( int  sid,
HDOC  hDoc,
int  storeId,
HPAGE phPage 

Create a handle for an existing Page Store inside a document.

[in]sidSettings Collection ID.
[in]hDocDocument handle.
[in]storeIdPage Store identifier.
[out]phPageContains the handle of the requested Page Store.
Return values:
This function is supported on: Windows, Linux, Embedded Linux, Mac OS X.
The returned Page Store handle is attached to the Page Store. The content of the file is read only as needed, and any changes done to the returned HPAGE are written to the store. The handle must be freed by kRecFreeImg when not needed any more. Freeing the handle does not remove the Page Store itself!
Take care not to have multiple handles for the same Page Store! Close all Page Store handles before RecConvert2Doc.
A similar function is RecGetPage, but that one creates an independent page (a copy).
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR RecGetPageStore(int sid, IntPtr hDoc, int storeId, out IntPtr hPage); 
RECERR RECAPIPLS RecInsertPage ( int  sid,
HDOC  hDoc,
HPAGE  hPage,
int  iPage 

Insert an HPAGE as a new page into a document.

This inserts an HPAGE into an opened document. During insertion, PageFormatter is applied and at the end of the process, this function frees the HPAGE. The HPAGE must contain a BW or OCR image. By default you must not free HPAGE, because RecInsertPage frees it (see also notes). This page will no longer be accessible via KernelAPI functions.

[in]sidSettings Collection ID.
[in]hDocDocument handle.
[in]hPageHandle of a page.
[in]iPageInsert before this page. -1 append the page.
Return values:
RecAPIPlus level of CSDK is supported on: Windows, Linux, Embedded Linux, Mac OS X.
hPage can be either a simple page handle or a Page Store handle. In the first case the page is saved to a Page Store then formatted. In the latter case the existing Page Store is just assigned to the specified page number then formatted.
If the application changes APIPlus.FreehPageAfterInsert setting to false, HPAGE will not be freed and the application can use it, but it has to be freed later. In this case there is no connection between the HPAGE and the HDOC after the function returns, i.e. modifications on either do not affect on the other.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR RecInsertPage(int sid, IntPtr hDoc, IntPtr hPage, int iPage); 
RECERR RECAPIPLS RecMovePage ( int  sid,
HDOC  hDoc,
int  iPageFrom,
int  iPageTo 

Move a page in a document.

This changes the page index of a page in an open OmniPage document.

[in]sidSettings Collection ID.
[in]hDocDocument handle.
[in]iPageFromStarting page index.
[in]iPageToDestination page index.
Return values:
RecAPIPlus level of CSDK is supported on: Windows, Linux, Embedded Linux, Mac OS X.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR RecMovePage(int sid, IntPtr hDoc, int iPageFrom, int iPageTo); 
RECERR RECAPIPLS RecOpenDoc ( int  sid,
LPCTSTR  pDocFile,
HDOC phDoc 

Open an OmniPage document file or folder.

This opens an existing OmniPage document file or folder in the file system. It also generates a document handle for this document.

[in]sidSettings Collection ID.
[in]pDocFilePath to the OPD file or folder.
[out]phDocContains the handle of the opened document.
Return values:
RecAPIPlus level of CSDK is supported on: Windows, Linux, Embedded Linux, Mac OS X.
An OPD file or folder can be deleted by RecDeleteDoc.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR RecOpenDoc(int sid, string DocFile, out IntPtr hDoc); 
RECERR RECAPIPLS RecSaveDoc ( int  sid,
HDOC  hDoc,
LPCTSTR  pDocFile 

Save an OmniPage document to file.

This saves an OmniPage document to another file.

[in]sidSettings Collection ID.
[in]pDocFilePath to the OPD file.
[in]hDocDocument handle.
Return values:
RecAPIPlus level of CSDK is supported on: Windows, Linux, Embedded Linux, Mac OS X.
In DOC_FOLDER mode pDocFile must be the same folder as specified in RecCreateDoc.
An OPD file or folder can be deleted by RecDeleteDoc.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR RecSaveDoc(int sid, IntPtr hDoc, string DocFile); 
RECERR RECAPIPLS RecUpdatePage ( int  sid,
HDOC  hDoc,
int  iPage,
HPAGE  hPage 

Update a page in a document specified by an HPAGE.

This overwrites a page in an open OmniPage document. The input page is HPAGE which will be freed at the end of the function, and cannot be used anymore (see also notes).

[in]sidSettings Collection ID.
[in]hDocDocument handle.
[in]iPagePage index.
[in]hPageHandle of a page.
Return values:
This function is supported on: Windows.
If the application changes APIPlus.FreehPageAfterInsert setting to false, HPAGE will not be freed and the application can use it, but it has to be freed later. In this case there is no connection between the HPAGE and the HDOC after the function returns, i.e. modifications on either do not affect on the other.
The specification of this function in C# is:
 RECERR RecUpdatePage(int sid, IntPtr hDoc, int iPage, IntPtr hPage);