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Statistics Properties

The Statistics type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCharNum
This property returns the number of recognized characters on the page.
Public propertyDecompTime
This property returns the time that the engine spent on the image's page-layout decomposition, i.e. auto-zoning.
Public propertyFullRecognitionTime
This property returns the RecognitionTime and further steps including the time necessary for sorting the output coming from the different recognition modules, the time spent in the checking subsystem (CSS) and the time required to produce the recognition result (the time necessary to write the recognition result to the recognition data file).
Public propertyGraphicsNum
This property returns the number of the graphics on the page.
Public propertyImageLoadTime
This property returns the time that the engine spent on loading the page from the image source: scanner, image file or memory.
Public propertyPreprocTime
This property returns the time that the engine spent on page preprocessing.
Public propertyRecognitionTime
This property returns the time that the engine spent on recognition of the page content.
Public propertyRejectedCharNum
This property returns the number of rejected characters on the page.
Public propertySuspectWordNum
This property returns the number of suspected words on the page.
Public propertyTableNum
This property returns the number of the tables on the page.
Public propertyWordNum
This property returns the number of recognized words on the page.
Public propertyZoneNum
This property returns the number of the OCRZones on the page.
See Also