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PageCharacters Method

This property can be used from any supported development environment but was provided for Visual Basic programmers in particular.

Namespace:  Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.IproPlus
Assembly:  Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.IproPlus (in Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.IproPlus.dll) Version:
public void Characters(
	[OptionalAttribute] Object OCRZoneIndex,
	[OptionalAttribute] Object CellNumber,
	out Characters Characters


OCRZoneIndex (Optional)
Type: SystemObject
CellNumber (Optional)
Type: SystemObject
Type: Kofax.OmniPageCSDK.IproPlusCharacters

It provides efficient access to the recognition result for the page as a collection of Character objects.

The returned character snapshot can be filtered by the optional numeric parameters. The OCRZoneIndex indicates that the characters within the specified OCR zone are requested. If OCRZoneIndex defines a table type zone, you can use the CellNumber parameter to query characters located in a particular table cell, which is the CellNumber index cell in the OCRZone's TableCells collection. If the filter parameters are -1 or undefined, the returned set is not restricted by filtering. If the referred zone or table cell does not exist, a trappable error occurs.

See Also